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Easy to Build: Stormcast Eternals: The Farstriders Product Description
Due to being a "Webstore Exclusive", this product may have plain white Games Workshop packaging.
Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Stormcast Eternals. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together.
In this kit you�ll find 3 Stormcast Eternals, led by Sanson Farstrider:
- Sanson Farstrider is armed with a boltstorm pistol and shock handaxe, and features an accompanying star falcon;
- Almeric Eagle-Eye is armed with a boltstorm pistol and shock handaxe;
- Elias Swiftblade is armed with a boltstorm pistol and storm sabre.
This kit comes as 19 push-fit components, and is supplied with 3 sculpted 40mm round bases and a Stormcast Eternals transfer sheet. A warscroll containing rules for fielding these miniatures as a unit in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar is included.
Recommended: Movement Trays for 40mm Bases
A full selection of movement trays can be found here
Element 40mm Movement Trays - LineElement 40mm Movement Trays with Magnets - LineElement 40mm Movement Trays with Magnets - CloudElement 40mm Movement Trays - CloudHorde pack 3x40mm - Line